About Me

Hello and welcome! 

My name is Coby Penso, and if you’re here, you’re probably as enthralled by the world of machine learning and AI as I am. 

A bit about myself, I hold a M.Sc in Data Science Engineering and have about half a decade’s worth of experience wearing the hat of a Software Engineer, a Data Scientist, and an AI/ML Engineer.

Coby Penso
Coby Penso at Geek Time

Here’s the thing though,  I’m not just into AI and Machine Learning because of the tech aspect, or the coding. I’m also drawn to the endless possibilities these technologies offer. Think of it like this: it’s not just about crunching numbers or coding, it’s about painting a picture with data. Just like an artist uses a brush and paint, I use my skills to make sense of complex data, creating something that’s really cool to look at and understand.


 My passion for AI and ML threads itself into every facet of my work. It’s the engine that propels me forward in my relentless pursuit of pushing boundaries and finding new solutions.


But, what’s all this knowledge and passion worth if I can’t share it with others? That’s where this website comes in.

 I love to educate, to light the spark of curiosity in others, to guide them through the seemingly daunting world of AI and ML, and ultimately, to watch them thrive. 

So, if you’re ready to embark on an exciting journey of discovery and growth, you’ve come to the right place. Sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s demystify machine learning together!